Strawberry Detox Water
Strawberry Detox Water is an amazing, refreshing drink that will ensure you are feeling your best with all the health benefits in every glass.

Strawberry Detox Water | The Food Cafe
Strawberry Detox Water
Detox Water is a good way to reset our bodies and minds. So often we forget to take care of ourselves because we are so worried about helping and caring for our kids, family, and friends. Adding Strawberry Detox Water will help take care of us and will take only 5 minutes to make.
Water is so crucial to our bodies, skin, and muscles and is a large part of energy production, so why not make it taste “ahh-mazing!”
I know water is not exciting to drink and it is a challenge to just drink plain water day after day, so try adding in strawberries which are rich in Vitamin C and K, oranges, that have plentiful amounts vitamin C, B and fiber, lemons which are plentiful with antioxidants, and mint which aids in digestion and soothes inflammation. All of these health benefits are exploding in just one glass. Our bodies are constantly fighting off inflammation from the different foods we eat, this Strawberry Detox Water is a great way to reset our systems.
Not to mention the flavor it adds to just plain water is so refreshing and thirst quenching you will love it. I make a huge batch of it and keep it in my refrigerator to drink throughout the day and/or week when I am feeling sluggish or my body is reacting to foods I eat causing inflammation. It helps purify my body and makes drinking water so much easier. If you are need of a little TLC for yourself and are busy and on the go, just try sipping on this Strawberry Detox Water to recharge yourself from the inside out.
How do you make detox water?
- Slice up strawberries, lemons, oranges, and mint.
- Place them in a 12oz glass, add ice cubes and cold water and stir.
Is it safe to drink detox water everyday?
- Drinking ONE 8oz glass of detox water everyday will help flush out the toxins in your body and prevent toxins from building up.
- You don’t want to over detox your body and loose valuable nutrients leaving your body depleted. Doing a full body cleanse is best kept to a few times a year.
What is the importance of water in our diet?
- Water is one of the most essential elements to our health, and is extremely crucial to our bodies.
- Water aids in digestion and elimination, and when on a diet can aid in weight loss my allowing us to feel full and eat less.
- Drinking water is important during weight loss because it keeps up hydrated without adding extra calories.
What happens if you don’t drink a lot of water?
- Water helps to keep our skin full and plump. When we don’t drink a lot of water the collagen in our skin begins to bind together allowing wrinkles to become more prominent. Water keeps us hydrated from the inside out.
Another great Detox Recipe:
Strawberry Detox Water

- 16oz- of strawberries, sliced
- 1-lemon, sliced, and cut into quarters
- 1-orange sliced, and halved
- 30-mint leaves
- Ice cubes
- 5-glasses
- Place 4 strawberries, sliced into each glass.
- Add 8 ice cubes on top of strawberries.
- Evenly distribute the lemons, oranges, and mint in each glass and fill with cold water.
- Mix and serve cold.